Thursday, September 26, 2013

Long oo - Hoot Owl sound


Explicit Phonics Lesson
/ōō/ The Hoot Owl Sound

Day 1

          What is a diphthong? A diphthong is two vowels that make one special sound.
Name some diphthongs that we have studied already. Ou, ow, oi, oy  Refer to the sound spellings cards for these diphthongs. Review the names of the cards, the sounds, and the spellings.
          This week we are going to study the diphthong that has the “Hoot Owl” sound, long /ōō/.  In our words this week we will spell the "Hoot Owl" sound with oo and ue .

Phonemic Awareness:
          I’m going to say some words. I want you to tell me if the long/oo/ sound is in the word or not. For example, if the word is zoo, you would give me the thumbs up signal because the word has the “Hoot Owl” sound. If the word is put, you would give me the thumbs down signal because it does not have the long /oo/ sound.
          Pronounce these words to have the students indicate if the word has the long/ōō/ sound.
roof              glue            round           loyal             school          roomy          cloud
spoon           book            tooth           mouth          rooster        blue             crook

          The sound of long/ōō/ can be spelled with oo or ue. Use two colors of markers to write oo words one spelling at a time on the board as the class sounds out and the blends the words as a group.

                   mood            tooth           sooner         broom
                   blue             true             due              clue
                   choose         bloom           scoop           tool
                   rooster        cartoon        Tuesday       igloo

          After the words are decoded, briefly discuss the meanings of the words that may be unfamiliar to the students. Reread the lines of words with the class. Then give clues and have the students tell their buddy which word is the answer. Call on one set of buddies to give and spell the answer. Circle or check the words on the board as they are given as answers. Clues could be:

1.     The antonym for false…true
2.    The day before Wednesday…Tuesday
3.    A barnyard fowl…rooster
4.    House made of ice and snow…igloo
5.    A story animated with drawings…cartoon
6.    The synonym for flower…bloom
7.    He was in a bad ____ today…mood
8.    The color mixed with red to make purple… blue
9.    Something that makes work easier…tool
10. Use the ______ to clean up that mess…broom
11.  The antonym for later…sooner
12. To make a choice…choose
13. The hardest thing found in our bodies…tooth
14. Use the ______ to get the ice out…scoop
15. The library book is ____ on Monday….due

The last word (clue) is read by all students and they each use the word in a sentence telling their partner.

Reading Decodable Text:
Practice reading the decoding page chorally. Have the students work in pairs.
Have buddy A read to buddy B. Then B will read to A.

Day 2

          Review the definition of a diphthong (2 vowels that work together to make a sound.) Review the diphthongs already studied (/ou/, /oi/, and /ōō/) using the sound spelling cards.

Phonemic Awareness:
          I am going to say three words. I want you to tell me which two words have the /ōō/ sound. If the words are look, truth, and raccoon, you would tell me truth and raccoon have the /ōō/ sound.

          Droop…drop…roof            scoot…shoot…shot           clue...mood…cloth
          Block…bloom…blue            true…troop…trot             brown…broom…broke
          Glue…gum…gloom              chop…choose…drool          cool…loop…lip

          Write the following words on the board as the students sound and blend the sounds into words.

          spoon           booth           glue             loose
          room            troop           droop           moose
          cue              boost           roof             scoot
          proof           poodle         pursue         rescue

Use these clues or make up your own with an emphasis on vocabulary expansion. The words in parenthesis are for a second clue if the class has trouble.

1.     Synonym for signal…cue
2.    Synonym for wilt (to hang over)…droop
3.    A kind of dog…poodle
4.    A utensil (used to eat with)…spoon
5.    To help push up…boost
6.    To save from danger…rescue
7.    A small enclosure (use to have phones in them)…booth
8.    Synonym for evidence…proof
9.    Antonym for floor…roof
10. A large grass eating mammal with horns…moose
11.  To chase…pursue
12. A substance used to stick things together…glue
13. _____ over here next to me…scoot
14. Antonym for tight…loose
15. It is surrounded by four walls…room

The last word is read by all students silently. They each use the word in a sentence telling their partner.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Have the student buddies practice reading the phrases. 

Day 3

          Use Sound Spelling cards to review diphthongs ou, ow, oi, oy, and ōō. Have words with these spellings on flashcards to quickly practice decoding.

Word Chaining:
          Using a pocket chart and letter cards or markers on the board, work through the word chains:

true                       boom
rue                         bloom
due                         gloom
cue                         loom
clue                        room
glue                        broom
blue                        boom

          Use the dictation procedure.

          Oi      ou      ōō      ow      oy

          cool              boot             roof
          true             clue             proof
          Tuesday       sooner         scoot
          shampoo      cartoon
          Sooner or later we’ll find a clue.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Have the student buddies practice reading the sentences. 

Day 4

          Review quickly the definition of a diphthong and the sounds of ou, ow, oi, oy, and ōō. Have the students give words that have these target sounds. List them on the board with the students’ help in spelling them.

“Chunking” Words:
          Write these words on the board one at a time. Circle syllables and have the students read the syllable. Once all syllables are circled, blend the syllables into words. Remember to discuss word meanings.

kangaroo                blueberry              afternoon              unglued       
overdue                 avenue                   pursue                   continue

Reading Decodable Text:
          Provide students with copies of sentences. Have them locate and circle words with the /ōō/ sound. Then practice reading the sentences with the buddy strategy.

Day 5

          Review quickly the definition of a diphthong and the sounds of ou, ow, oi, oy, and ōō using the sound spelling cards. Using about eight word cards, have Buddy A read the first word and tell a sentence using the word to Buddy B. Call on one Buddy A to share their sentence. Then for the next card, Buddy B reads and tells a sentence using the word to Buddy A. Continue until all the word cards have been used.

          Use the dictation procedure:

          Ow     oy      ōō      ou      oi
          Goose          droop           mood
          Due             tooth           broom
          Noontime     bluebird       rooftop
          Rescue         overdue
          Tuesday at school we used a broom to clean the room.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Reread decoding page, phrases, and sentences using the buddy strategy.

Decoding Page

soon         spoon       toot       root        room        spool
sue           true         glue       due         blue         hue

book is due               on the roof           going soon
the blue room           a thick root          use the glue

1. The book is due on Tuesday.
2. I plan to paint the room a soft blue.
3. Use the glue to so it won't come loose.
4. Is that a hoot owl on the roof?
5. Spoon the juice into the cup to cool.
6. It is true that you will loose that tooth?

Fluency Phrases

1.      a new clue
2.    tried and true
3.    a loose tooth
4.    that’s untrue
5.    blue moon
6.    choose a school
7.    use a teaspoon
8.    sooner or later
9.    a cruel joke
10.      rain on the roof
11.       across the room
12.      a week from Tuesday
13.      basket of blueberries
14.      the scout troop
15.      the droopy bloom
16.      he's over due
17.      late afternoon
18.      a shampoo bottle
19.      in the moonlight
20.    a cool igloo
21.      the red rooster
22.    kangaroo in the zoo
23.    a rooftop rescue
24.    noontime on Tuesday
25.    the broom handle

Sentence Fluency

1.           The kite is stuck on the roof before noon today.

2.         Broom hockey is a cool game to play.

3.         Who did they choose from our classroom to help in the kitchen this afternoon?

4.         I ordered three scoops of strawberry ice cream in a dish with a spoon.

5.         Watch out for that loose step as you go into the bedroom.

6.         At the lagoon I could see the raccoons and loons eating in the moonlight.

7.         Snoopy is a cartoon dog who thinks he is cool.

8.         Tom and I entered his rooster and my poodle in the pet show.

9.         They tied a birthday balloon to the door of her room.

10.      Ice cream is his favorite food to eat with a spoon.

11.       The ice on the lake was smooth and perfect for skating this afternoon.
12.      The loose shingles on the roof need to be fixed.
13.   I don't have a clue what to do with the left over food.

14.   Only speak what it true or you might say something foolish!

15.   That book is not due at the library until Tuesday.

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