Wednesday, January 30, 2013

/er/ Explicit Phonics Lesson

                                       Explicit Phonics Lesson

Day 1

          Which letter of the alphabet is a bossy letter when he has to follow a vowel? (R) What is the sound of or? ( /or/ as in fork) What is the sound of ar? ( /ar/as in star) E, i, and u are also bossed when they are in front of the letter r.  Er, ir, and ur all make the same sound. That sound is /er/ as in bird. What is the sound of er? (/er/) What is the sound of ir? (/er/) What is the sound of ur? (/er/) What is the name of the sound/spelling card for /er/? (Bird card)

Phonemic Awareness:
          I’m going to say some words. I want you to tell me if the /er/ sound is in the word or not. For example, if the word is bird, you would give me the thumbs up signal because the word has the /er/ sound. If the word is pour, you would give me the thumbs down signal because it does not have the /er/ sound.
          Pronounce these words to have the students indicate if the word has the  /er/ sound.
perch           porch           worst           stir             step            lost         church
confirm        comfort       third           thirsty        serve           save        burst

          The sound of /er/ can be spelled with er, ir, or  ur. Remember the spelling used most often is er. Use two colors of markers to write or words one spelling at a time on the board. After each spelling say, ”sound” as the class makes the sound for that spelling. When all the spellings are on the board for that word go back and have the class chorally sounds out the words again. Say, “blend” and as you use your finger to underline the word, the class blends the words as a group.

                   clerk            turn             stir             shirt           
                   third           germ            dirt             firm
                   purse           hurt             bird             curl

          After the words are decoded, briefly discuss the meanings of the words that may be unfamiliar to the students. Reread the lines of words with the class. Then give clues and have the students tell their buddy which word is the answer. Call on one set of buddies to give and spell the answer. Circle or check the words on the board as they are given as answers. Clues could be:

1.     Synonym for soil…dirt
2.    To injure…hurt
3.    A circle of hair…curl
4.    Person who accounts for money…clerk
5.    Women carry them…purse
6.    Something that makes you sick…germ
7.    to change directions…turn
8.    Mix with a spoon… stir
9.    An animal that has feathers…bird
10. Clothing worn on your shoulders…shirt
11.  Number three in line…third

The last word (firm) is read by all students. They each use the word in a sentence telling their partner. Then have some students to share with the class.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Use the Decoding Practice page. Read the words in the box together. Have the students count how many words they can find in the passage that have the /er/ sound. Read the passage to the students, have the class read it chorally, and then have buddy A read to buddy B. Then B will read to A.

Day 2
          Review the “Bossy R” sound and spellings using the Bird sound/spelling card. 

Phonemic Awareness:
          I am going to say three words. I want you to tell me which two words have the /er/ sound. If the words are sir, bird, and sort, you would tell me sir and bird have the /er/ sound.

          Curl…cursive…cut            short…shirt…skirt          confirm…content…concur
          Girl…grill…person            hurt…horn…heard            partly…purse…perfect
          Torn…turn…third             dirt…dart…squirt             mercy…murky…Marty

          Write the following words on the board as the students sound and blend the into words ( See Day 1. Use the buddy strategy for more student engagement.)

          church         chirp           blur             flirt
          jerk             skirt            nurse           burn
          girl              sir               fern             fur
           Use these clues or make up your own with an emphasis on vocabulary expansion. The words in parenthesis are for a second clue if the class has trouble.

1.     Animal hair                                              fur
2.    Place of worship                                      church
3.    A sound word                                           chirp
4.    A person who takes care of the sick        nurse
5.    To move suddenly                                     jerk
6.    To tease                                                 flirt
7.    To set fire to                                         burn
8.    Can’t be seen clearly                                blur
9.    Synonym for female                                 girl
10. A polite way to address a man                  sir
11.  A plant that grows from spores               fern

The last word (skirt) is read by all students silently. They each use the word in a sentence telling their partner.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Have the student Buddies practice reading the /er/ phrases. (You will have to copy at least one sheet for each pair of students.)

Day 3
          Use sound/spelling cards to review the r-control spellings er, ir, and ur. Use the Bird card. Have words with these spellings on flashcards to quickly practice decoding.

Word Building:
          Using a pocket chart and letter cards or markers on the board, work through the word chains:        
turn                                dirt                                serve
burn                                shirt                               verse
Burt                                shirk                               verb
hurt                                irk                                  herb
hurl                                 ir                                    her
curl                                 sir                                  per
curb                                stir                                 pert
curt                                sir                                  perm
                                      fir                                  term
Reading Decodable Text:
          Have the student Buddies practice reading the  /er/ phrases or sentences and words on the transparency. (You will have to copy at least one sheet for each pair of students or have the text sheets as transparencies on the overhead.)

Day 4
          Review quickly the R-control vowel sounds studied to this point. Have the students give words that have these target sounds/spellings. List them on the board with the students’ help in spelling them.

          Use the dictation procedure:
ar      er      or      ir       ur
stir      first               birth
girl       bird      curl       
church    blurt      
Bert will go to church first.

Reading Decodable Text:
          Provide students with copies of /er/ sentences. Have them locate and circle words with the /er/ sound. Then practice reading the sentences with the buddy strategy.

Day 5
          Review quickly all the R-control vowel spellings using the sound/spelling cards. Using about 8 cards with /er/ words, have Buddy A read the first word and tell a sentence using the word to Buddy B. Call on one Buddy A to share their sentence. Then for the next card, Buddy B reads and tells a sentence using the word to Buddy A. Continue until all the word cards have been used.

          Use the dictation procedure:

-ck     -tch      g      j      c (/k/)
          turn             burn            burp
          shirt            skirt            chirp
          squirm         sunburn
          The girl had on a red shirt and a black skirt.

Reading Decodable Text: 
Reread sentence, phrases, or the decoding practice using the buddy strategy.

Decoding Practice

girl     bird      birth    shirt   curl     

under   turn   church   burn    fur

the  big church             
turn the dirt
her first turn          
girl with a curl

1.           Do not burn the birch plank.
2.         Girls like to put on skirts.
3.         Turn left to go to the church.
4.         Her skirt and shirt were very wet.
5.         Bert can plant the fern in the dirt.
6.         A red bird sat on the perch.

er, ir, ur  Phrases

1.     on the perch
2.        a bad sunburn
3.        under the birch
4.        for the bigger girl
5.        the first turn
6.        jump the curb
7.        serve her first
8.        the dirty shirt
9.        the faster girl
10.    after her turn
11.     a big burp
12.    our sisters and brothers
13.    never the first
14.    by last Thursday
15.    after Saturday
16.    from birth

er, ir, ur Sentences

1.          Her purse was in the dirt.

2.        Bert gave the stick a jerk.

3.        The bird on the perch sang a song.

4.        Is it my turn to burn the sticks?

5.        Her sister had on a purple skirt.

6.        The walk to church gave her a sunburn.

7.        The little girl twirls her curls.

8.        The first person to come will serve us.

9.        She gave birth to a little girl.

10.    Mom will get a perm on Thursday.

11.      The firm dirt helps the fern.

12.    Do not get hurt when you turn a flip.