Sunday, November 18, 2012

Digraph sh Lesson


Explicit Phonics Lesson

                                                         Digraph sh                     
Day 1

Objective: Sound and blend words using the digraph sh.

          We have learned that two letters that work together to make one sound are called a digraph. What digraphs have we already studied? –ck, th, and ng When is the –ck spelling used? After a short vowel sound. What are the sounds of th? /th/ and /th/ What is the sound of –ng? /ng/ as in ring. What is a digraph? Two letters that work together to make one sound.
          Today we are going to study a new digraph. Show the shoe picture card. The sound of sh is /sh/ as if you are telling someone to be quiet. The word shoe begins with /sh/. Make the sound with me by puckering your lips with your teeth almost together and blowing air. /sh/ is a quiet sound that can keep streaming out of your mouth a long time. The /sh/ sound is spelled  sh.
What is the shoe sound? /sh/
What do we call two consonants that work together to make one sound? digraph
What sound does the digraph sh make?  /sh/
What is the spelling for the shoe sound? sh

PA (oral)
          Listen to these words and see if you can hear the digraph /sh/ or not. If you hear the /sh/ sound in the word, I want you to give me a thumbs up. If you don’t hear /sh/ in the word, give me a thumbs down. So if I say ship, /sh/ /ĭ/ /p/, you would give me a thumbs up because the /sh/ sound is in the word ship. If I say sip, /s/ /ĭ / /p/, you would give me a thumbs down because you do not hear /sh/ in the word sip.

shy              dish             dash            dad              wash            wall   
shall             shoe            mash            map             sis               shine

          Use the decoding procedure as in previous lessons. After all the words have been decoded, take time to talk about the meanings of any words that might be unknown.

wish             rash             trash           crash          
ship             shop            shells           shed
shelf            shin             shock           shut  

Some clues might be:
1.   red spots on your skin                                       rash                               
2.  antonym  for open                                             shut
3.  you find them at the beach                               shells
4.  synonym for store                                             shop
5.  a place for books                                              shelf
6.  things to be thrown out                                    trash
7.  synonym for boat                                              ship  
8.  If you stick something in an
          electrical socket, you will get a ____.           shock
9.  the front of your lower leg                                shin
10. a small building for tools                                   shed
11.  A dream is a ____ your heart makes.                wish

          When there is only one word left (crash), have the buddies read the last word. Each buddy then uses the word in a sentence

Decodable Text
          Practice reading words in text using the decoding practice page.

Day 2
What do we call two consonants that work together to make one sound? digraph
What sound does the digraph –ck make?  /k/
What kind of vowel sound comes before the –ck spelling?  A short vowel sound
Where is the –ck spelling most often found in a word? At the end
What other digraphs have we studied? th, -ng, and sh
What are the sounds of these digraphs? /th/, /th/, /ng/, and /sh/
What is the pictures that helps remind us of the th sounds? Thumb and Feather
What picture reminds us of the sh sound? Shoe

PA (oral)
          I am going to say some words with the /sh/sound. I want you to tell me if the sound is at the beginning, middle, or at the end of the word. If I say shy /sh/ /ī/, you would tell me the /sh/ is at the beginning of the word. If I say dish, you would tell me the /sh/ is at the end of the word. Be sure your Buddy agrees with you before you raise your hand to give me your answer. (Segment words if needed.) Where is the /sh/ sound in the word cash? At the end
Be listening carefully. I may throw in a “fooler” that doesn’t have the /sh/ sound.

push            fresh           shape           crash           shoe            touch
wish             shade           dash            shout           Josh            show

          Use the same procedure that was used on Day 1.

          shack           shift            shrug           Shreveport 
          flash            flesh            flush            shush
          fish             mash            brush           fresh

1. Synonym for move a little                          shift
2. To wash away                                           flush
3. You do this to teeth and hair                    brush
4. Antonym for stale                                    fresh
5. The part of the body that is not bone       flesh
6. Synonym for quiet                                    shush
7. An aquatic animal                                      fish
8. The name of our city                                Shreveport
9. Body language that says, “I don’t know.”     shrug
10. A quick, bright light                               flash
11. Synonym for shed                                    shack

          Have the students read the last word (mash) to their partner. Then each makes up a sentence using the word. Have them go for 7-Up sentences (7 or more words in the sentence.)

Decodable Text
          Use sh phrases to practice reading words in text. The first time through, have them follow as you read. The second time, have them chorally read with you. Then the Buddies can take turns reading to each other.

Day 3
What do we call two consonants that work together to make one sound? digraph
What is the sound of the –ck digraph?  /k/
What picture card helps us remember the –ck digraph sound? Kite
What is the sound of the th digraph?  /th/ and /th/
What picture card helps us remember the /th/ sound? Thumb and Feather
What is the digraph we are studying this week? Sh
What sound does it make? /sh/
What picture card helps us remember the sh sound? Shoe
What do we call sh, th, -ng, and –ck? Digraphs

Encoding: Dictation
Use the dictation procedure. Be sure to make them ask, “Which spelling?”

1.   /th / th      /ŭ/ u    /k/ ck    /th/  th     /sh/ sh
2.  fish        wish        dish
3.  ship        shut        shin
4.  shocking     wishing
    Trish was wishing for a fish dish.

Decodable Text:
       Practice reading the sh phrases as it was done on Day 2.

Day 4
Review: Have the class decode 6 to 18 /sh/ words on the board or on flashcards.

Word Building or Word Chaining
          Use as much as you feel is appropriate. Segment words as needed.
ash                        ship                       rash
dash                      shop                      trash
rash                      shot                      crash
lash                       shod                      crush
flash                     shed                      rush
flesh                     shell                      brush
flush                     shall                     
lush                       sham
Decodable Text
          Use sh sentences to practice reading sh words in context. Follow the format of the phrase reading.
Day 5

Two letters working together to make one sound are called a _digraph_.
-ck is a _digraph__.
The sound of –ck is _/k/_.
-ck is used after a  _short_  vowel sound.
-ck is used most often at the _end_ of a word.
The /k/ sound at the end of a word with a short vowel sound is usually spelled with _-ck_.
The other digraph we have studied is _th_.
The sounds of the digraph th are _/th/_ and _/th/_.
Name two other digraphs we have studied. –ng and sh
What sounds do they make? /ng/ and /sh/
What picture reminds us of the sh sound? Shoe

1.       /ĕ/ e    / sh/ sh       /k/ ck    /ng/ ng     /ŏ / o
2.       rash       trash         thrash
3.       shop       shod          shed
4.      brush      shrimp
         Set the trash in back of the shop.

Decodable Text:  Use sh sentences to practice reading with a buddy.

 Decoding Practice
  wish    fish    dish   mash   rash

  ship    shop   shut   shot   shod

shut the shop          
dish of hash
in a rush                   
wish for fish

1.         The fish jumps into the ship.

2.        Brush the trash in the can.

3.        Crush the shells with a rock.

4.        Trish was in a rush to go.

5.        She will shop for shells.

6.        The flash and crash of the 
      storm was bad.

   7.   We had fresh fish and shrimp.

sh Phrases

1.   a fresh fish         11. get a shock

2.   the shock of it    12. on the shelf

3.     wish for help      13. in a rush

4.     brush the dog     14. shut in a shed

5.   stash the trash  15. crush nutshells

6.       in the shed        16. fresh shrimp

7.     ship in a storm   17. shed its skin

8.       flash and crash  18. bump his shin

9.       shut the shop    19. bad skin rash

10.   on the ship      20. splish-splash

Sh Sentences

1.         That fish will splash you.

2.       Trish tells her wish.

3.       A kid is shut in the shed.

4.       That bug just shed its skin.

5.       Josh bumps his shin on the rocks.

6.       Stash the trash in the shed.

7.       Shift the box on the shelf.

8.       Mom shops for shrimp at 
    that shop.

9.   She has a gash on her shin.

10.  Shall I make a wish?

11.  Josh was in a big rush to go.

12.  The smell of the shell was 
      a shock.
13.  Set the fresh fish on the dish.

14.  This is my last wish.

15.  The dish of hash was hot.

16.  Brush the dog in the shed.

17.  I got the brush at the pet 
18. Don’t rush to splash in the pond.


  1. Thank you so much for all these resources! My kindergarteners are loving reading the sentences and illustrating them. Keep up the great work :)

  2. What grade level would you say this is appropriate for?
